Centre Coordinator

From the Centre Coordinator’s Desk

What is to experience a child's world? Seeing what they are seeing, hearing what they are hearing, and feeling what they are feeling. It is a beautiful world they live in, and they live in the "Now."

“At LOKO POKO, we create A NEW WORLD OF LEARNING, full of things that never were.” The moment is TODAY…..

As Benjamin Franklin rightly said: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

Keeping in mind that to teach is to touch a life forever, we believe in holistic education that encompasses academics, co-curricular activities, and life-skills learning.

“Times are changing and so is our education.” The children of the 21st century are individuals with self-respect, responsibility, and compassion. It is crucial to recognize and value the unique qualities of each child. In every child, there is a world waiting to be explored.

We believe that all children deserve the opportunity to grow, evolve, and become mindful adults, confident in their ability to change the world. We envision a future where children believe in themselves and each other, where cooperation replaces competition as the key to innovation and problem-solving.

Our mission is to nurture happy, confident children through joyful, child-centric education that transcends academic excellence. We are proud to be part of this journey, guiding and supporting each child's growth and development.

Welcome to the whole new world of learning @ Loko Poko Preschool and Daycare, where “Every Child's Potential is Celebrated and Nurtured to Build Their Future.”

Warm regards,
Ms. Roopa G

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